Strategies For Creating Compelling Criminal Defense Blogs

Criminal defense lawyers who regularly write articulate, thought-provoking blogs for their website hold several key advantages over their peers.
First, they are creating a wealth of resources on their website for clients and potential clients to access whenever they need to.
Second, the information contained in those blogs does wonders for a website’s SEO rankings.
Finally, regularly written blogs communicate professionalism and when launched into the blogosphere and various social media sites, create additional touchpoints between you and potential clients.
There are several things to keep in mind, however, before starting a blog on your firm’s website. First and foremost it is important to consider the time and resources it will take to effectively keep up your blog. In order to make your blog worthwhile, you’ll have to commit to writing regularly or hiring someone else to do it for you.
Here are several other key strategies for creating compelling criminal defense blogs.
Hire an SEO Marketing Firm
There are a number of quality SEO marketing firms that specialize in working with lawyers to help them maximize their online presence. These companies know and understand the legal field well and in many cases employ JDs and attorneys to create compelling blog posts.
They also offer other SEO marketing solutions that range from complete web design and management to SEO research to content creation. Hiring a quality SEO legal marketing firm will take the load off your shoulders so you can devote your valuable time to practicing law and meeting the needs of your clients.
Write About the News
Whether you write all of your blog’s content or just contribute the occasional piece, one topic that can make for quality blog posts are relevant stories from the news. Rather than just repeating what has already been said by a thousand others, you can add your expert legal opinion and explain the case from the perspective of the defendant.
This type of content is easy to keep up with because all you have to do is follow the news and write about it in a compelling way. You will also end up covering topics that are already on the minds of others and can be a great way to connect with potential clients.
Use External and Internal Links
The use of links not only assures your readers of your commitment to thorough research, but it helps from an SEO perspective too. When you link to authoritative domains and also include internal links to other blogs or pages on your website, it can help immensely in getting your website further up in a search engine’s rankings.
Internal links are also important for getting potential clients to the right page on your site. As you mention a particular legal concept in your blog, you can link to the page on your website that deals with the topic in more detail and includes contact information for your firm.
Follow Other Law Blogs to Generate Content Ideas
If you are trying to generate your own content ideas it can be helpful to follow other legal blogs and websites. As topics appear regularly on other blogs, you can comment on them directly in your blog posts or use another idea that comes to mind to write on a completely distinct topic.
Another helpful tip is to set up a Google Alert for various keywords. That way when a topic related to criminal defense is in the news, you can write about it on your blog.
Explain Complex Legal Topics in Easy to Understand English
Legalese can be one of the most intimidating languages for anyone to encounter. Rather than trying to impress your readers by highlighting your command of Latin, use plain English to explain complex legal terms. While it might seem like a waste of your legal lingo, it can go a long way in connecting with your readers and potential clients.
Legal terms are also an intuitive way to link both internally and externally on your blog. When using terms such as inadmissible evidence or due process, link to helpful websites, maybe even on your own website, so your readers can read more on the topic. This has the added benefit of educating your readers and potential clients.
The Value of a Good Criminal Defense Blog
A good criminal defense blog can be valuable to you and your firm as it can drive traffic to your site, give you a chance to highlight your expertise, and help you connect with potential clients. While a blog can be a significant commitment of time and resources, if done well, they are well worth the investment.